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A union is a group that is bonded by fibers created by mutual support. A union is a market in that each member serves an economic end that validates the union.
Unionization is the process that creates bonds between believers by works of faith that builds the church. The church is the organization created by works of faith. Another way of understanding a union is as the equity created by works that add value to assets.
Spiritual Warfare is fought against the flesh. The flesh is a false war, a diversion in which right fights left in battles neither side can win. Spiritual Warfare is a fight in which both sides are engaged, at once.
Perfection is the natural state of man, once the mantle of sin is removed. The insane cannot cure insanity but only perpetuate it. Babylon can not provide a solution to sin, because it founded the ethical system that has given us our laws and regulatory state. Christians can create a morally perfect church if we utilize the tools given to us by God.
The experiment is an empirical way to validate the truths of scripture by means of a Test Group that follows Scripture in an empirically verifiable way. The experiment enables the world to compare the results of following the word of God against the Control Group, made up of the remainder of the world, who follow the ethical philosophy of Babylon.
The experiment demonstrates the power of God through the power of faith exercised by means of His church.
Membership is by means of unionization. One joins The Union Party and does works of faith that builds the church and adds equity to the assets of the church.
Extremism is an ideological attachment to power and the use of force to effect change. Force creates resistance to force, and this generates polarities and the phenomenon we call extremism. Extremists create polar opposites.
There are two states of being or two ways mankind can live. One way is ethical the other is moral. Ethical environments require a regulatory and predatory state, because the state functions in response to a social justice agenda. But the state must always rely on ethical systems to effect its justice, and this is inherently wrong. The only solution to the state and the social costs it creates is morality. We must moralize which is to create moral environments and a morally perfect state.
Subjects are subject to the regulatory apparatus of the state and therefore to the expropriations of the state. Citizens are persons who have autonomous authority or civil authority, meaning they get their authority from their status as citizen, and thus as a co-owner of the state.
Citizens own their political jurisdiction. Citizenship is a form of ownership. To have citizenship is to have ownership of your political jurisdiction. Without this ownership one is a subject and under the ethical power of the state. Citizens form and own the Test Groups. They create a moral environment which is what the Bible calls a church.
A morally perfect church is a system without social costs and therefore, it operates without a social justice component. We own what we create and we have no obligations to pay costs created by others. Morally perfect churches eliminate all ethical elements and therefore all regulatory powers and authorities, including the secular state.
If human rights were a valid concept your neighbor would have a greater claim to something you own, than you do. What do you have to which others have the pre-eminent claim? If your answer is "nothing", your neighbor has no rights and neither do you.
Capitalism is the cornerstone of Western civilization but has been infected by liberal assumptions about money, the free market and ownership. There is a conservative version of these ideas that not only changes the fundamental form of a commercial enterprise it prevents both socialism and communism. With a better understanding of what capital is and how it operates the creation of liabilities is prevented and without this weakness socialism is no longer possible.
Hate is not what we say it is what we do.
There are a few rules that decide if poverty will exist or not.
Understand the theory behind economics.
Only one thing happens after an election. A government is elected that has the power to freeload by proxy. The state exacts wealth from some to give to others. Freeloading is a sense of entitlement that justifies the entitled to resources they did not specifically earn. Freeloading by proxy is someone who the government thinks is deserving, being given resources of some kind, by forcibly taking these resources from some less deserving, less entitled group.