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reality is not as real as empiricists make it seem
The Broad Way is the way defined by the flesh and determined by the popular vote, whether this is an informal or informal vote. The popular vote assumes everyone, and every issue has equal value. The outcome of an election is legitimized by the participation of everyone and the equal ability for all issues to be tabled. Democracy that is exclusionary is not democracy. The very nature of democracy means it is only legitimate if it is universal. Democracy assumes and works on the assumption, that man knows good from evil and the majority is the measure of what is good and what is evil.
WARNING: If you listen to this podcast to the end your world view will change in a substantial and life altering manner. For 6000 years we have been lied to about who man is, what divides us, what competition is about and many other things. You will learn there is no identifiable human race, there is no common identity or factor that defines what makes us humans. Human beings are a divided kind. The divide is deeper and more permanent than you can imagine. Every problem you can think of was created because of this division and cannot be ended until this division is recognized for what it is. When finished you will understand where the division is and why it exists and why it cannot be bridged; what has caused our human problems and how to eliminate them without risk or threats of loss, how to put into place the Labor Theory of Value, how to build a church that replaces the political system and all of its laws and associated problems, how to end poverty, unemployment, inflation and mankind’s other social problems, all of this is doable and more and all during a fifteen minute video/podcast.
The divide between liberal and conservative is nowhere more visible than the position they take regarding guns. Liberals express a phobic reaction to them whereas conservatives exhibit a positive affinity for them. What does a liberal actually see when they see a gun?
There are two questions Christians do not ask and it is likely they are not asked because they do not wish to know the answer. Interestingly one cannot ask one without the other nor ask them together without having answered the questions. One question originates in Genesis and the other in Revelations.
We have papers that say we own land given to us by a government that claims it owns the natural resources within its borders. But the nation must stand ready to defend this claim against all enemies foreign and domestic with guns and other appliances of terror. How credible are claims of ownership to what is found? Is ownership simply a matter of finder’s keepers or is there a deeper meaning to the idea of ownership?
A theory of everything is a claim to answer all human problems with the use of a single hypothetical or explanatory element. In this case the explanatory factor is God or what is called The God Hypothesis. Apriorian claims God Exists and that because He Exists as God He is the author of all things. There remains only one option available to us, add value to the things of God, or create enmity between Him and us. If we are against God we are against the things of God. This is witness as competition. To compete one or two persons must compete with the rightful owner or with another false claimant to what does not belong to either. To solve human problems is simply a matter of not creating them. Conservatives are organizations that reward cooperation and prevent competitions from occurring. Thus all human social problems are simultaneously eliminated.
There are two systems of thought or ideologies that reflect two epistemologies. The One Reality Hypothesis postulates a single all-encompassing universe that is known only through the physical senses. Our reality changes depending on whether we think the world is physical, or we think the world is metaphysical.
The metaphysical epistemological position is called The Two Reality Hypothesis. It acknowledges there is an epistemology that contains all logical possibilities but one. The excluded hypothesis is the proposition that the universe is composed of absolute truths. Logically there cannot be more than two possible Theories of Knowledge, nor can there be fewer than one possible understanding.
In The Two Universe model, one universe contains all possible ideas and viewpoints, other than the idea reality is constructed from logical absolutes. As the idea of a reality composed of contingent truths is incompatible with a reality of absolutes, a reality composed of analytical truths cannot be contained in one that is composed of a posteriori truth. The two realities are logical contradictions and therefore produce two totally different understanding of knowledge.
If there is only one knowable reality, absolute truth statements are not tenable. The One Reality Hypothesis must exclude all absolute statements and all metaphysical propositions. This statement is an absolute truth and is metaphysical in its construction. But we do understand it even though its construction is at odds with the proposition there are no absolute knowable truths.
The claim no absolute truths are knowable cannot be deduced from the One Reality Hypothesis. The One Reality Hypothesis contradicts its own premise, namely that it is all-inclusive. In fact, the One Reality Hypothesis cannot contain its own definition. The definition of the One Reality Hypothesis is a metaphysical construct and not admissible by the standards it establishes for what is knowable.
All true propositions are absolute truths. That which is not true is false. The claim there is no absolute truth, is a proposition that claims no class of propositions exist that is without at least one exception. This is an absolute truth claim. This claim is disallowed by the One Reality Hypothesis. Statements that have no exceptions, are not compatible with The One Reality Hypothesis. The One Reality Hypothesis posits a logical impossibility. The One Reality Hypothesis posits no absolute truths, which is a truth that is formulated as an absolute truth. Therefore, the conclusion must be, there are two incompatible and logical contradictory, Theories of Knowledge.
One reality or knowledge system is composed of relative statements, ideas and concepts. The truths of liberal reality are contingent, probabilistic and relative. The truths of The One Reality Hypothesis always contain an element of doubt.
The other Theory of Knowledge or reality construct is the reality that contains logical truth. It excludes all synthetic statements made by The One Reality Hypothesis in a category of things called lies
To Summarize:
• The One Reality Hypothesis includes all narratives other than belief there are two realities.
• The One Reality Hypothesis (ORH) rejects the claims of the Two Reality Hypothesis (TRH).
• Two Reality Hypothesis affirms part truth exists as lies.
• The TRH postulates a false and contradictory reality composed of synthetic statements and a posteriori reasoning, is believed in by those who reject God.
• The TRH also postulates there is an analytical reality based on logical thought and a priori statements arrived at deductively.
• The TRH embraces metaphysics, and logic based on axioms.
• The Two Reality Hypothesis, postulates God Exists is a foundational axiom and the most basic analytical claim.
• The two realities have and must have two disparate ideas on rights and the exercise of power.
• The TRH postulates labor has natural rights and authority.
• Those of the ORH believes there is no natural authority and power. Position is determined by competitions.
Liberals who incorporate the ORH centralize power and depend on law and the use of force to maintain order. The doctrine of power on which liberal power rests, states that might makes right and the end justifies the means. If a policy centralizes power it is justified.
The axioms of The Apriorian Church
No one is entitled to what others have.
No one is entitled to the service of another.
No one is obligated to anyone else.
We have a right only to what we create.
We have no claim on anything created by others.
No one has a right to impose a cost created by them onto anyone else.
The power of the state justifies its costs, including taxation, unemployment, poverty and pollution. Without the regulatory power of the state there are no social costs because it cannot claim the right to externalize its costs onto others. Without social costs there is no social justice. Without social justice there is no need for the state.
The Apriorian Thesis
There is nothing that puzzles mankind more than the existence of evil. How can a Perfect God create evil? But these problems are of our own making. God is not the only creator. It says God created all things and on the seventh day, He rested. But mankind existed by then and mankind did not rest. All we need to understand to solve the dilemma of evil, is to know God does not lie, what God Created is Good. Man cannot turn the Good God does, into evil.
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